1.4.0 – 31st May, 2019
- Major changes added to support new payment gateway system for Wing
1.3.0 – 5th June, 2018
- Compatibility added for Wing API version 1.9
1.2.0 – 21st Sept, 2017
- Now Wing Compliant, started saving Wing Transaction ID with the order data
1.1.0 – 8th Sept, 2017
- Bug Fixes
- Now showing exact reason to customer when payment fails
1.0.0 – 6th May, 2017
- Initial release version
Support Information:
Normally we will answer your questions within 24 hours. find more information in the documentation delivered with your product.
If you still have questions or concerns about the product:
- You can raise a ticket by signing up on Support Desk
We will be happy to provide you with a detailed answer as quickly as we can.